06 May, 2024
Letters | May 26, 2014

Now Showing: The 3D Modi Hollowgram

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May 26, 2014

Tsk, tsk, Mr Mishra. How dare you call Modi God’s deputy (Now Showing: The Modi Hollowgram, May 12)? Listening to him speak at rallies, have you not realised that God now is Mr Modi’s deputy? Come May 16, nothing (the monsoons, El Nino, trains, the US, sunrise) will move without the permission and blessings of Mr Modi.

Kumar A., on e-mail

God Almighty, spare us these moronic and bull-headed discourses. We have suffered these too long. Pray, grant us our salvation, and grant it fast.

Narayan G.N., Mumbai

Are you sure it’s not a typographical error? Instead of 279, you have inadvertently announced 229? If it’s 279, he will go down in history as the first prime minister of independent India elected directly by popular mandate.

S. Sreenivas, Bangalore

The hallmarks of a good journalist are objectivity, neutrality and integrity. Neelabh Mishra is singularly lacking in all these essential attributes. He is even worse than the likes of Kumar Ketkar and Vinod Sha­rma. Journalistic ethics, rip.

D.L. Narayan, Visakhapatnam

It is illegal to publish opinion polls during elections. Outlook has violated the law by publishing the opinions of its eminent psephologists. Whether the sample size is 50,000 or 29 or less, a poll is a poll.

Cdr Arun Visvanathan, Chennai

What happened to Outlook? There should have been a big NOOOOO along with 229. And the 229 gives the game away. There is a psychological difference between 229 and 230. How come the experts arrived at such an expert figure? I think nda will cross 272 on its own.

Akash Verma, Chennai

Neelabh Mishra lost all sense of prudence as he indulged in Modi-whipping with all the hostilities in his armoury he could muster. Each word in his piece is full of malice.

Saroja B., Darwin

One is appalled by the euphoria created over Modi becoming India’s PM, never mind his ability and credentials for the office. It’s the same frenzy that leads to educated and uneducated people alike making ordinary people like Asaram and Ramdev into demi-gods.

Narinder K. Sabharwal, Gurgaon

Rahul Gandhi’s weakness and lack of political exposure will lead to a Congress debacle, and Modi’s strength and overexposure will equally lead to the BJP’s sooner than later.

Amrita Muttoo, Mumbai

Modi wave! What we have been seeing is waves of media hype for sure! It was five years of paralysis by the UPA and anti-incumbency. And finally, a demoralised UPA, seemingly, giving in without even a semblance of a fight.

R.V. Subramanian, Gurgaon

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